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Campus Housing and Advertising


The website was created after security issues arose surrounding several Facebook groups. Students wanted a safe place to look for a subtenant, buy basketball tickets, purchase secondhand furniture, and the like. Only Marquette students with an email were allowed to join.


The objective for this site was to create a portal where students and faulty could order, schedule, and pay for large format prints. Services were offered including outdoor banners, posters, mounting, and stand rentals. 


The Marquette VIbe, also known as a INK

In 2012, print advertising sales began to decline on a national level. Within three years, Marquette’s newspapers saw a 35% loss in print revenue. To augment this loss, new products and or services needed to be developed. A focus group of college students was conducted that revealed four unmet needs:
– A means to easily find campus housing
– A classified website available only to Marquette students
– A non-academic Marquette centric lifestyle blog
– Large format printing services located on the campus

ClientAutomagazineDateApril, 2020AuthorJim CarterShare